i'm talking like really stupid but not necessarily shitty parody movies, ever seen killer bean? that shit. i've never seen john wick but the movies are supposed to represent the stages of grief, which is part of what makes the action so goofy. i think thats so fucking cool. id love to do shit like that » Continue Reading
Insaniquarium! Deluxe is a game developed in 2001 and released in 2004 by Flying Bear Entertainment, Co-owned by George Fan and Tysen Henderson, based in California. The main idea behind Insaniquarium! was a game that was simple, yet turned into something more, and Insaniquarium! is exactly that. [INITIAL GAMEPLAY FEATURES] On the surface, it appears to be some old, retro, even janky fish feeding... » Continue Reading
For me it's my top fav game all through my childhood up to now, idk how though. It's just so cool. fuck, i love it, man. What do you guys think about it though? :0 » Continue Reading