Two weeks ago, my back embarked on an enigmatic journey of pain, leaving me bewildered and bedridden. It was as if my spine had a secret vendetta against my well-being. In those initial days, every movement was a negotiation with discomfort, every step a cautious exploration of agony. I heeded the advice of rest, the doctor's orders to take it easy, and I cocooned myself in a world of cushions and... » Continue Reading
As I sit here, contemplating the challenges that have woven their way into the tapestry of my life, I find myself drawn back to a moment from years ago. It was a simple yet profound encounter, one that left me with a statue of Ganesha, the Hindu deity known as the remover of obstacles. At the time, I didn't fully grasp the significance of this impulse, but I felt an undeniable connection that drov... » Continue Reading
I can't help but express my frustration once again. It seems that some people just don't get it. Let me make it abundantly clear: I am NOT here to chat with m3n. I have a life beyond this platform, and it's filled with responsibilities and commitments that don't involve entertaining unsolicited advances or engaging in pointless conversations. I am a student, constantly striving to expand my knowle... » Continue Reading
Did you know that there is a massive pile of discarded clothing in the Atacama Desert, Chile, that is so big it can be seen from space? If there's one thing that perfectly encapsulates the wastefulness of modern society, it's that infuriating pile of clothes visible from freaking space! Look at us, Earthlings, so oblivious to the consequences of our actions that we've managed to create a textile m... » Continue Reading