Ok, eu não pretendia voltar tão cedo, mas ontem à noite algo muito ruim e estranho aconteceu. Ontem à noite fui beber água na cozinha da minha casa, quando acendi a luz percebi que ela estava piscando muito, então peguei o celular para gravar, mas assim que comecei a gravar, a luz voltou ao normal. » Continue Reading
I recently moved to a new house, as I mentioned. My old house was slightly haunted, as mentioned in the other post, but this new house looks just as good as the other one! To begin with, since the beginning I have heard footsteps around the house, seen figures and felt presences here, a month after w » Continue Reading
N Well, yesterday something very strange happened with this, but to explain, I must say the count. My house was built by three bricklayers and this week one of them died. I was sad, obviously, he was very nice to me and it » Continue Reading
Hello, I should start by saying my name, I suppose. Call me Lore, please, and today I came to tell you about strange things that happen to me a lot. Earlier I made a post about thinking there was something wrong with my house, but I would like to explain first: how did my contact with the paranormal world begin? As far as I know, it's always been there, whether it was when I was little and saw dea... » Continue Reading
I don't know when it started, But I know when I realized something was wrong. I got up at three in the morning to drink water, it's a flat house, so there's a hallway to the kitchen, in that hallway there's a switch to turn on the kitchen light. The problem was when I ascended. I saw the chair in the room (which was heavy, by the way) simply being thrown against the door. I was scared, obviously, ... » Continue Reading