First four rules of girl code 1.) Don't go after your friends' ex or crush 2.) Keep secrets secret 3.) Not everything is a competition 4.) Post pics you BOTH/ALL look good in Me, personally, I feel as though all of these are common decency type shit- not even 'girl code'. Just like if you want friends, you do these's literally just respect. If you respect your friend, in any form of the... » Continue Reading
tell me why i was told that shit-talking was meant to be done quietly? like for what reason should i hide my issues with sum1? personally, if I'm dogging on sum1, I have a genuine problem w them and I ain't hiding that shit- tf?? 🤣 I'm not gon act all cozy w u and talk abt u in secret, ur gonna kno. i am NOTTT abt the two-faced shit- and tbh, any1 that shit talks me to my face earns sum respect ri... » Continue Reading
it's my last full day in this hellhole and i totes forgot i could have been blogging all the shit that's been going on lmao. let's start with the main thing that got my stay extended; this girl was being a dickface about one of the people in our unit. he was trans, and obviously we're in a gender-divided unit- so she was going about trying to explain why he was there- in a very disgusting, kind of... » Continue Reading