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Category: Blogging

the old man of the mental ward

it's my last full day in this hellhole and i  completely forgot i could have been blogging all the shit that's been going on 💀 so let's start with the thing that most likely got my stay here extended; this girl (who i've named the old man of the mental ward) was being a dickface about one of the people in our unit. he was trans and she was going about trying to explain it- in a very disgusting, kind of dehumanizing way. (calling him 'it' and sayinng it was all a fantasy and he was basically wrong about being a boy blah blah blah) i was in my room, came out, saw the person she was talking about already in tears about something unrelated. i go try to help him, then start heading to the lounge and i immediately hear her. i stay listening for a moment to give her the benefit of doubt. it only got worse, and taking into account the fact that the person she was talking about was not ten feet away, i tell her so and gradually start yelling ("you're being really fucking disrespectful" and all that jazz")- which got the nurses attention and lead to us all being sent to our rooms. 

she was being a bitch though so i don't regret it. i did however feel bad about yelling while this person was so upset, so i apologized and gave him some candy i got from my therapist.

that's all for now, thank you for listening to my 'rambles of the ward'! i will probably continue this once i'm out :3

     kisses. vyx                       

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Mig and Szwarty

Mig and Szwarty's profile picture

Yeah no that bitch knew what she was doing.

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by nori; ; Report