why do we always shunt people for what they wear?? its really annoying. (;′⌒`) like whydo I have to change for someone else ! let mi wear wtv I want! its really not that important if someone wears smth u dislike or see as weird (^^ゞ as long as they are not hurting you ,, you don't really have too care,, so what if its "emo" or to "bright" what matters is that the person Is happy! (。﹏。*) so wear... » Continue Reading
my friend hs been bugging me and my other friends lets call her "mia" a few days ago Mia called my friend a bitch for not giving her food. she also said she had a gut feeling to not be friends with us anymore, shes gossiped about everyone in my circle. what should I dio? » Continue Reading
my friend hs been bugging me and my other friends lets call her "mia" a few days ago Mia called my friend a bitch for not giving her food. she also said she had a gut feeling to not be friends with us anymore, shes gossiped about everyone in my circle. what should I dio? » Continue Reading