I don't understand why people are hating on people who use this platform to be the classic gir eyebleed pages. It's called cringe culture/scene. Typing quirks and certain fandoms more fall into the "cringe culture" category. !!cringe culture is not a bad thing!! And scene is more the music you listen to and how you express yourself. Don't hate on people for being themselves, if they wanna be that ... » Continue Reading
I just finished smoking the rest of my friendz cigarettes :p to be fair there was only 3 and we still shared them XD but we're getting 🍃 from a dude. He gunna be here soon and im excited!! x3 » Continue Reading
Today iz went to roller derby practice. Right after derby I'm going to go workout with my friend for lik two hours :p then I'm gunna go to my friendz house and get stoned with two of my friendz XD hope y'all are doin gud today too :3 » Continue Reading
Meine stylez is hard to describe really XD I'm more of a scene person but sometimez i like to dress punk but ever since i got out of the mental hospital itz mostly been just huge t shirtz and sweatpants :p i'm trying to findz the right opportunity to show the fuck out with my outfitzz » Continue Reading
Hiiii my name iz Sam and todayz I weeent to the storez and bought a mazzive amount of my dew XD itz the new summer timez flavor and it tastez lik a popsicleeeez >_ < » Continue Reading