Foward Unto Dawn
Category: Life
Never feel as though you're finished.. there's always progress to be made » Continue Reading
Writer and lover
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Category: Life
Never feel as though you're finished.. there's always progress to be made » Continue Reading
Category: Writing and Poetry
Tilt Your Head Up, Little One Cool, the air, so somber Your verbal happiness, absent Warm, the mind, so scared Your existence, absence Keeping the keys to yourself I can only offer my presence Only my best guesses Words of encouragement Words of assurance I'll reserve activities for another day » Continue Reading
— 1 Kudos
Category: Writing and Poetry
Dysdevotion - Bad love or to have a love that is tainted with a love for more than one Euscheme - To have good intentions, even when committing sin Pseudophile - False Love or to force yourself love someone based on their condition Valinized: - To be intertwined with the feelings of one's self to the point of feeling disconnected and discontent with reality - To be stricken with an indec » Continue Reading
Category: Writing and Poetry
Been listening to a bunch of artists, but the feelings I want to write down just aren't coming to fruition. It's kinda exhausting because I love writing and the music is fantastic. » Continue Reading
Category: Writing and Poetry
Been listening to a bunch of artists, but the feelings I want to write down just aren't coming to fruition. It's kinda exhausting because I love writing and the music is fantastic. » Continue Reading