woah 1st blog !! honestly ive had spacehey for abt a year now I shuld use 1t more XD well hopefully I do!! will post updates abt me sometimes then !! mayb i can look back on it later so judge me >_ » Continue Reading
Life uPdaTeeEeeE XD Haven't been on spacehey for a WHILE haihai first of all HAPPY NEW YEAR for those who read my rambalings hehe I went 2 macau for my birthday wasn't really anythting tho :( thennn came back to school N ABSOLUTELY PASSED OUT like omgosh it hits me like a TRUCK Note to self n all u don't sleep at 5 am everyday on break then immediately switch to school esp if ur school begins ear... » Continue Reading
small vent or something?! tried a new style of clothes and my mom freaked the HELL out!! assumed it was boysboysboys MAKING ME CHANGE like hello?? cant have anything anymore fashion isn't something for fun 4 me anymore according to my mom it's something 2 please MEN!! i hope she does change her way of thinking soon bc i dont even like men like that ;P apsiestooties OUT!! » Continue Reading
waz lookin at different flipphones on my sister's old magazinez n they look so cute :(( so instead of thinkin abt how i wanted a flipphone i thought about what nail designz can be a flipphone and i ended up down dis rabbit hole of weird nails and then i thought hm i should paint my nailz so here comes the return of my chipped nail polish :3 I shuld get more colors other than black but stillz got s... » Continue Reading