Life uPdaTeeEeeE XD
Haven't been on spacehey for a WHILE haihai first of all HAPPY NEW YEAR for those who read my rambalings hehe I went 2 macau for my birthday wasn't really anythting tho :( thennn came back to school N ABSOLUTELY PASSED OUT like omgosh it hits me like a TRUCK
Note to self n all u don't sleep at 5 am everyday on break then immediately switch to school esp if ur school begins early like mine bc that is literal HELLFIRE
whtevr totes adjusting now currently obsessed with mcr songs live in Mexico versions >o< I actually lovelovelove listening to songs in their live versions more do u guys find that cuz I totally do
Okay I start of mice n men like tmr and Japanese test too omg unprepared GOING
ewnymphone out
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