Very, very outdated. My mind has decayed and regenerated forming new pathways. I am, not the same and neither are you.. Don't think of this is scary, it is not, it just is. And every second we grow as a human in habits, hobbies and knowledge, is a second we grow more beautiful and powerful. After all, knowledge is power. Safe to say however I plan to update this and further update myself for that... » Continue Reading
Lately I've been working on this Discord Server Right? Yeah. It's for Mental Health to help others and it can be quite a bit. Although what sets it apart is the simple desire to get to know others before helping them open up. As well as I added this volunteer system for those who desire to help such cause. What I've learned within the process is, that not everyone does what they do for no reason. ... » Continue Reading
Why do people think that they're always right? And look for proof to be such. And instead work together with the other person to figure out what they think and what they consider to be truth. That also goes for investigative teams such as Detectives.. They often look at many people's stories. Not just one side of it. So if you try and pick a side of an argument that's, not always the best wa » Continue Reading
This is the very beginning of my blog. It will be split up into separate series of topics such as these: Psychology Deductive Reasoning and Logic Ciphers Life and Mental Health (be it my » Continue Reading