so nothing interesting happened lol but hey I'm still here Xp! I've been trying to get active on imvu but tbh nothing is happening there either, who wants to hang out and be emo on there xD anyways :P thinking about pizza rn » Continue Reading
Heyooo everyone! I'm still here lol I was going to post an early blog before heading to emo nite !! It was so much fun despite being pushed hard asf LOL Was worth it tho! ^^!!! anyways imma try to keep this page updated >_ » Continue Reading
hey everyone! sorry for the lack of post lately, tbh i've been a bit distance with social media, being an adult is nuts and honestly hard. Trying to find a new job soon so im hoping to get a decent job for me to at least pay for my car these few months coming up. sucks but thats life. but coooolll newwwssss, going to emo nite in a few days and im so pumped! im excited to wear the clothes im going ... » Continue Reading
5/12/23 Heyo ppls! Today I hanged out with some old high school friends, we played super smash bros and played games! Super fun! I also did my makeup and makeup >. » Continue Reading
5/10/23 Since finals are over! More free time for myself ^^! I'm applying to work soon but I'm going to enjoy what I got so far! Currently rn, playing fall guys with the boissssssss!! I know it's kind of a short blog but it's fun to tell ^0^!!! » Continue Reading
5/08/23 Seconnndd blooggg, I'm gonna do my make up today! I'm not sure what colors what im going to do on my eyes today. Debating on red and purple?!!!! » Continue Reading
5/8/2023 Heyo's everyone! I'm going to be posting on here to share the wonderful world of curfew! I actually went to a concert today with an old school buddy of mine! I don't really take pics tho since I like to live in the moment. This concert was extremely special cause I actually got in the circle pit! It was amazing!!! Anyways finals ar » Continue Reading