My Greatest Passion. Love is a wonderful thing, many spend their whole lives to find it, Some never do. I have never felt as loved as I do by you, you are all I need, you take me in your arms, I feel safe, I feel warm, I feel loved. Passion in the dark, hidden in the blanket of night, more than just a spark, but a flame, a wildfire, No one c » Continue Reading
Tomorrow is Cinco De Mayo everyone! I'm so excited, being from hispanic descent I love Cinco De Mayo! It is my second favorite holiday. So happy Cinco De Mayo Eve lovelies! I have been working my (Cuss) off trying to get caught up on these classes, I'm starting to get the hang of them. They are still so hard as (Cuss)! I find it harder to understand than in-person because I'm able to ask questions... » Continue Reading
I struggle in school, online classes are a challenge for me. They are a lot easier than in-person learning. I can't seem to focus very well but it's starting to get better, my grades are also getting better as well. Maybe online school is better for me, but I'm so lonely. I wish I can have the best of both worlds, the focus I have for online classes and being in-person, my friends seem to distract... » Continue Reading