So many people are completely oblivious to what goes on around them. They pay attention to what's happening in their circle of interests, daily cycle, and not much else. But the more you learn, The more this circle widens. Hence, the more you pay attention to. You're constantly observing and thinking. Sometimes it's like, You wish you could sh » Continue Reading
I've ben thinking a lot about fear and it's causes. My ending theory is that all fears either come from a place of uncertainty, or lack of control. Hear me out. Aerophobia, the fear of flying in airplanes is because of the possibility of it crashing, or an attack. Both of those things spring from a place of lack of control. If someone with aerophobia were to go to school to become a pilot, and lea... » Continue Reading
And.. todays question is: Why do people create blogs? I've realized many reasons for this. Some of witch being, for money, to find like minded people, as a way to keep a log of sorts of their thoughts, etc. But i believe deep down all anyone wants to do with a blog is, Well just have proof of exist » Continue Reading