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Category: Life


I've ben thinking a lot about fear and it's causes. My ending theory is that all fears either come from a place of uncertainty, or lack of control. Hear me out. Aerophobia, the fear of flying in airplanes is because of the possibility of it crashing, or an attack. Both of those things spring from a place of lack of control. If someone with aerophobia were to go to school to become a pilot, and learned about airplanes, etc. They would no longer have fear of flying.

I've seen similar themes with arachnophobia. You doesn't know what the spider can do, so you're scared of it because it's UNKNOWN. if someone comes up and says “Hey, that spider is actually not capable of biting.” then you would no longer be afraid of the spider. Even if it was poisonous, if you're told that then you'd be like “finna get the fuck out of this building” but you have that piece of mind now because you know!

This is a common theme with hundreds of phobias, maybe even all of them. fear of the dark, snakes, small spaces, heights, deep waters, even death.

Personally, i have a crippling fear of rejection. After writing this, i've convinced myself that learning about rejection, and learning about the phycology behind my fear; it would no longer be.

In conclusion, i believe the key to overcoming your fears is learning about them.


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