Category: Friends
MAPS and supporters Zoophiles Anti xenogenders/neopronouns Racist Ableis » Continue Reading
14, U.S., EST, & my birthday is April 11th !!
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Category: Friends
MAPS and supporters Zoophiles Anti xenogenders/neopronouns Racist Ableis » Continue Reading
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Category: Pets and Animals
jellyfishes aren't fish they're just a big sea jelly they're like 95% water there are 9,000 species (as we know of currently) the substance of they're jelly is called mesoglea jellyfishes have travelled into space :3 a jellyfish temporarily shut down a nuclear power plant in Japan that's it :3 » Continue Reading
Category: Food and Restaurants
i rlly wanna bake more but i've been so busy with projects and school so if anybody can give me sum recipes to try that would be great :3, and if i do bake them i'll probs post abt it so yea :> ! » Continue Reading