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kj/kade☆!'s Blog Entries
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— 1 KudosPinned
Category: Blogging
♡`~ Anyone over the age of 20! I am a minor. Go away. ♡`~ Racists, homophobes, xenophobes, etc... ♡`~ Furrys. Some of yall are the worst people ever. ♡`~ DSMP fans. Self explanatory. I don't c » Continue Reading
— 1 Comment— 1 Kudos
I wonder...
Category: Life
do any of u guys know if people still do other things like they did on original myspace like favors??? that would honestly be crazy but I'm curious to see if anyone has come across that... did they just out right say it orrrr??? » Continue Reading
— 2 Comments— 2 Kudos
what the fuck...
Category: Life
why are we writing callout posts, borderline suicide notes, and vent blogs... i get this is like a substitute for myspace but my god this is awful... teach me how to cook "rocks" not how to tie a noose goddamn.... » Continue Reading