Starting from the bottom - Thank you Anna Sorokin
Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes
-Lol i wrote this with half a brain sell good luck iykyk- » Continue Reading
"Working for "THE MAN""
21, She/Her, Brooklyn,Ny
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Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes
-Lol i wrote this with half a brain sell good luck iykyk- » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
So, im currently sitting in what is meant to be a study session, joined by 2 dudes who have only been productive for the first 15 minuets of the time we have set out for this session. and you know were probably gonna get kicked out of the study room, cause these clowns are clowning just a little too loud. but im sitting here pretending to be productive, butttt really im just typing to y'all, does ... » Continue Reading
— 1 Comment— 3 Kudos
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
So fun fact, I've never truly understood how theses things work out. I didn't know it was a line by line coding situation on the back end that makes the webpage look the way it does, but I so wanna learn how to make it look pretty like the one I have now. Because who knew I could make things match my aesthetic as it changes just by changing the verbiage... butttt I need to figure out where it is I... » Continue Reading