click here if you want to listen to it! or here if you want to listen to in on youtube music.. or for some reason god only knows, click here to listen to it on bandcamp. and if you do listen to it, ma » Continue Reading
Gooberend. ok, now go listen to it. if you want to you can tell me why you hate/love it. or don't, i can't really force you to do anything. » Continue Reading
MUSIC !! - As always make sure to let me know what you think about it! Even if you think it sux I want to know why so I can improve! :D :D » Continue Reading
Blah blah heres the link. The original song is fucking amazing by the way but a bit dated as its just barebones. The melodies and the way it just.. sounds its just great to me and I wanted to see if I could do the song justice. Let me know what you think though, always looking to get better at making music. » Continue Reading
It was very nice, I hung out with my friends and we played mario party for the entire time. Also there were pizza bagels, but my friend says they are called bagel bites and this is what I want to discuss about, while yes they are called "Bagel Bites" on the box... buuuut it does only have the ingredients of a pizza but ON a bagel. What do you people think? » Continue Reading
I have been having an ungodly bad time at school as of late, none of my grades are passing, none of my teachers have been helpful unless I force them to respond to me, and above all of that my principle has tried to forcefully withdraw me from the school now. So things aren't really going well and I don't care because (most of it) is not my fault, I wasn't able to do any of the work... just becau... » Continue Reading