Yesterday i was walking to my 4th period when one of my frineds stop me and ask me if ive seen the new kid and welli havent so i said "no? why?" an they said they were emo and i say they because by the time lunch time rolled around i saw them and i dont really know if they were a girl or boy so im just going to say they so anyway i said "oh thats kewl, i need more friends so ill try and go talk to... » Continue Reading
okay I saw that this person was saying that someone told them to kill themselves and i mean this in no harm way or not to be mean but the thing i dont understand is why is their pfp is their arm with fresh self harm scars? i dont see the point in putting it as your pfp it just shows that you do it to get attention and also dont see the point on why their WHOLE » Continue Reading
I hate valentines day its just like any other day besides the point that people show their love for the ones they love.I hate valentines day with my whole heart and takea alot to show that i hate it,i hope you find out your gf/bf cheated on you with your sister or brother or even your mom and i hope you find out that yall blood related. » Continue Reading
Hello you guys! I know I have not writen about anything in a while,however ive been working on music and my grades as most of you can tell because of my profile I am going off to high school in a few moths and I need to keep my grades up or else my mother will take me back to 2009 XD, anyway I've just come to write about things,however I would like to ask why makes music so great to you? in the wa... » Continue Reading