new hair
Category: Blogging
I cut and straightened my hair on a whim and i really like how it looks!!! If anyone has any advice on how to keep up with my hair like this/style it id love to hear :)) (photos are latest to oldest)) » Continue Reading
23 | he/him hy/hym | im just vibing
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Category: Blogging
I cut and straightened my hair on a whim and i really like how it looks!!! If anyone has any advice on how to keep up with my hair like this/style it id love to hear :)) (photos are latest to oldest)) » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
I've been workin on my neocities a lot lately! these are some pages i've paid more attention to, so if you're gonna check any of them out, these are good! main site- transformers some good poetry- /poemsone fun links- » Continue Reading
— 1 Kudos
Category: Life
I got a new mp3 player today! I know it sounds silly, but they mKe me really nostalgic so i picked one that reminded me of my brothers from when we were kids! I put basically my whole music/podfic collection on it and i really love it! I already have a cassette player so all i need is a cd player to complete my holy trinity! ! I just gotta be careful qirh it bc my last mp3 broke bc i acci » Continue Reading
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Category: Art and Photography
Ive been working on new ideas since i dropped a bunch of stories and!! I drew some outfit concepts 4 my new iz au! Still working out kinks in the art style tho :p its zadf/gadf/gazf/tagf with fake dating and emo/scene dib and zim :) ao3 link: NEON HEARTS » Continue Reading
Category: Art and Photography
I'm working on a new Naruto AU! its called the messageninja au because the characters us a fake site called messageninja (msnj for short) to chat! kinda like aol or msn! below is some picrews and a manga edit i did for this au! » Continue Reading