i thought i was going to be super awesome and cool like thoes blog creators but no, i cant stick to the grind like they do. im on spacehey here and there, maybe a few times a week. definently not enough to post a blog everyday though ahahha i gtg bathroom and class is almost done by e » Continue Reading
hey guys, second day on spacehey and gotta say, im so popular. over 100 friends withing my first 24 hours is quite the feat. But this milestone is not the reason as to why i am writing my second entry this early into the day. I had a counseling appointment i finished about 30 minutes ago. Usually on the way back to school I get food because I miss my lunch period. Well today i got popeyes because... » Continue Reading
this is day one, yes i am going to be that person and post silly little goofy diary entries everyday; why wouldnt I? this is a perfectly reasonable thing to do. I just joined spacehey today. not going to lie, i had to get used to calling it spacehey instead of heyspace, but its okay. I know nothing about code so i had to leech off of my friend and have them spend about 30-40 minutes helping me se... » Continue Reading