As most of you know, I'm chronically ill and disabled. I'm dealing with a lot of life stressors right now, which greatly contribute to fatigue and brain fog. I also just got my covid booster and flu shot yesterday...soooo needless to say I'm a bit out of it right now! I apologize for the lack of responsiveness on here for the near future. I'm doin' my best. And I really hope you're able to enjoy t... » Continue Reading
If you squint at my pfp, you can see the very top of a bag on my tummy. I get asked rather frequently why I'm rocking a fanny pack ( which I totally fuckin' could ), but in reality- that's my ostomy bag! I've had severe Crohn's disease for the past 20 years, and have been rather unresponsive to most forms of medication. As such- I've required major surgery to keep me alive. My most recent surgery... » Continue Reading
Yo, I'm Rae. I've had several organs surgically removed and one very stubborn ovary grow back (rude). I'm a medical mess with a permanent ileostomy. Disability advocacy is the name of the game, and I'd love to have you along for the chaotic ride. 💀💕 » Continue Reading