why r people sending friend reqs to minors when their profile literally says “NO MINORS”??? what is the thought process 😭 AND WHY ARE MINORS ACCEPTING THE FRIEND REQUEST ‼️ it actually makes ZERO sense. ADULTS SHOULDNT BE SENDING FRIEND REQUESTS TO MINORS WHEN THEY SUPPOSEDLY DONT WANT MINORS TO INTERACT WITH THEIR PROFILE, ITS WEIRD ASF » Continue Reading
Doi g thereapy online at home sucks ass I dont want my entire family hearing me talk to my therapist come on this sucks aaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssssssssssss » Continue Reading
So a bit ago I talked about how I hate my bangs. I decided that they were making me way too self conscious, mostly since I wasn't planning on getting them, so I decided to have my moms friend help me chop my hair off!! I like this haircut much more than my weird unwanted bob but I'm still planning on growing my hair out. » Continue Reading
my bangs make my forehead soooo fucking oily and i hate it idk what Im supposed to do about it,,,, honestly im never going back to that salon cuz it sucks ass. » Continue Reading
UGHHHH I showed the stylist a scene haircut without any product in it and she still got it wrong! I now have micro bangs (not that there's anything wrong with micro bangs, its just not what I asked for), and look like I belong in the Beatles. If I hadn't had to stay there another hour so my sister to get her hair done I would've cried!! The lady was really nice but I think she should stick to what... » Continue Reading
OH EM GEE MY GF RYAN MIGHT BE COMING BACK IM SCREAMING! I literally can't wait to hear the remastered versions of the young veins music I'm sure it'll be just as good as the originals. RAHHHH nothing Ryan makes can be bad, he's my icon, honestly. I can't wait to see how TYV has been doing, and if they'll do more projects after this. » Continue Reading