Bree Finch

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"Chilling with family "

29 years old

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Mood: Relaxed

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Category: Blogging

As I sit here stressing along with my boyfriend trying to get him another job because I messed up by not getting him to work from his other job he had which was 14 an hour but he could of moved up though and had a full time job and made 16 an hour. I was doing so good getting him into work every day waking up at five in the morning made sure he got there by six. Once my ears clogged up and I could... » Continue Reading

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Getting to know me and myself

Category: Blogging

As I get older thoughout each year that goes by I have to face the facts I will always have an anxiety disorder there is no cure for it lets face the facts here I have to learn to control it and tell my brain that you do not control me I control you. I leanred that your brain cannot tell whats real or not so you have to teach it to whats real or not. Its like teach a computer how do things so it d... » Continue Reading

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