I want praise Athena and Surya. to do so donate at least 12$ to the Trevor project to support my tr@ns homies. luv is luv after all. Athena is wise and so is supporting trans people!!!!!!!! Surya is the sun, my parent. I am also trans so like.....12$ more dollars to the Trevor project!!!! I also want us to drink cups of milk with red food dye and maybe exchange some textures...carpets?? Textiles??... » Continue Reading
so imagine yeah? You're larping as someone else in another discord when you're in someone else's discord and it's like this is your alt account whomst you never intended it to be a mystery as the identity of but you never told 70% of your friends and now they're not used to this character and they were never told so its been going on for years 'n.....goddamn MC discord servers y'know you gotta F$#... » Continue Reading
soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i went to fr@nce a while back and I met these fUcking guys who kept making boxes outta nothin. I asked my friends about it and they said that was a career path? BRO THEIR ENTIRE CAREER IS MAKING SH1T UP, THAT COULD BE MEEEEEEEEE I DO THAT SH!T ALL THE TIMEEEE » Continue Reading