Remember when I said I didn't know what a crush was and I had no idea if I would like anyone or anything? Well the first guy i was snapping started talking to me again and I kinda realized he liked me. With that, I ended up liking him too! He asked me how I felt about him and I decided to be honest, and he felt the same! Were not dating because we live kinda far away, but hopefully I'll get to vis... » Continue Reading
Hi! okay so this is kind of a rant/I have no idea what's going on and I need help kind of post. My profile is small and I doubt anyone is really gonna see this but whatever. So Ive been having... crush issues? That's kinda for lack of better words but who really cares. SO for majority of my childhood (and now) Ive been having issues with sexuality and stuff. All the way back to fourth grade I can... » Continue Reading
okay so I kinda got lost my computer and I haven't been on in like weeks, but I'm back on now! also I saw mcr in Philly which was super cool! idrk how this stuff works, but ig this is all I have for my blog post :000 » Continue Reading