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"Just sitting inside"

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Creepy dreams I have Pt. 1: Piano man

Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

I had this dream a few years ago, it started with my sister, cousins, and I playing basketball outside our house. I then told them that I needed to buy envelopes, so we walked into the house which became a dollar store, I went and stood right in front of the envelopes and told my sister that they didn't have any. So we left and went to my aunts house. She was having a masquerade ball, all of my fa... » Continue Reading

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Umbrella Academy S3 Ep 7-10 !!MAJOR SPOILERS!!

Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

Ok so, I made another post about the other episodes so y'know. Read that if you want. Also, I called the Commission the Committee so sorry about that. I hate Alison. I actually hate her, I had to pause and yell at her that I want her to literally die this season. She was just such a b*tch this season, and like i get it, she's been through a lot. But that doesn't give her the right to BLAME AND TRE... » Continue Reading

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Umbrella academy S3 Ep 1-6 !!MAJOR SPOILERS!!

Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

I'm really liking the season so far! I just finished episode 6? I think? Ep 6 or 7, one of the two. If you have watched past episode 6, please leave the comments spoiler free, thank you! At first I really liked Alisons story, y'know. a mother who lost everyone and is snapping, I'm all for that,it's giving Wanda in 'Dr. Strange: MoM' vibes. But it all went down hill for me the second she decided to... » Continue Reading

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Overthinking stuff Pt.1 (MCU)

Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

So like, is Jesus in the MCU? Like Thor is there, Loki, Odin, etc. So is Jesus like there to? Like we hear Peter Quill (Starlord) say "what am I supposed to say Jesus?" So we know like Christianity is a thing in the MCU, but like is there a physical form of Jesus, like with Thor and a lot of the other gods. And if there isn't, is Christianity still a thing? Cause Starlord wasn't on earth for a lon... » Continue Reading

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