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"even though i am a beast, don't i have the right to live?"

19. usa. female.

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Mood: pensive

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the really shitty shituation at work today

Category: Life

before we begin, I ask this of you: if your life was a movie, what genre would it be? sometimes, I can't tell if mine is a tragedy or dark comedy. so, I just came home from work, and one of my biggest fears came true today. one of my coworkers spilled the beans to another about me and my boss. and it just so happens the person they told is new, and kind've hot-headed/emotional. she's an older lady... » Continue Reading

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my digital diary | introduction

Category: Blogging

i meant to make a post last night but it all got wiped and i didn't feel like redoing it. x-x anyways, i guess time for a small about me. going into this, i don't really think anyone will ever read it. so i'll tell you everything that's currently popping into my mind. i've been on the internet too long not to trust most of it along with the people you may find, but on here i don't want to have any... » Continue Reading

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