me and my friends made a discord server called THE BARN!!!! its a fun, minors only hangout server where we play games, chat, and have a rootin tootin' time :) we really like to have new people, its a great way to make new friends. the more the merrier! :D we're prone to playing roblox, gartic phone, scrabble, mariokart, minecraft, and other games together. JOIN THE BARN!!!!! » Continue Reading
some of these are games, some of them are just silly little websites :P ill give a small breakdown and review of each of them, and a clickable link just in case u wanna check 'em out !! - who hasn't heard of gartic phone at this point?! its » Continue Reading
before we start, i edited this quiz a bit to my liking (took out questions i didnt want to answer). the full survey is credited at the end. enjoy!!! :D Name?: Ava Nicknames?: arga, arlo, monkey Age?: 14 » Continue Reading