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Category: Blogging
Hello anyone who is still here! It has been TWO YEARS since I was last on spacehey. Isn't that crazy? I just wanted to hop on here and see if anyone is still there. Happy 2025! » Continue Reading
always down to yap
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Category: Blogging
Hello anyone who is still here! It has been TWO YEARS since I was last on spacehey. Isn't that crazy? I just wanted to hop on here and see if anyone is still there. Happy 2025! » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
Happy late valentines ya'll! Valentines was lonely as always, but to me Valentines is about self care and love as it has always been, since I've been single since forever. I spent the entire day watching chick flicks and avoiding social media. All of my friends are in devoted relationships and checking their stories is the same as choosing to be miserable. I also think it's my destiny to be a home... » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
Hellooooo everyone! My last blog was me wondering if I should start an official blog on a different website. Although my first blog was pretty great, It was just such a bother to go on Tiktok and advertise it. So, I just thought I should blog on here! I have no idea how this 'blog' algorithm works and how people actually come across blogs here, but really, I honestly don't mind if no-one views thi... » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
Hey guysss... ik ik im sorry i havent been in here for a while, but i kinda forgot this existed- Anyways these days im really interested in starting a blog, and that its gonna be a a way for me to connect with others, and a cool way for me to look back at my teenage years. But i have NO idea where. Should i do it here??? These days spacehey is kinda dead and i dread having to use wix. How will peo... » Continue Reading
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Category: Life
Hey guysss So i have a really cool studying technique that helped my memorise important stuff and I want to share it with you. (LMAO NOT SPONSORED) SO first, you need to search in your browser 'fakeyou' and click the first link that comes up. It's a website that uses the text you type into it, and converts it into a characters voice. After you've clicked on it, select your comfort character, (if i... » Continue Reading
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Category: Friends
These days I have convinced myself that I'm hot. Idk like self confidence?? No no, i don't think I'm hot, I just don't think I'm an abomination like i used to be. SO TELL ME WHY NOBODY HAS A CRUSH ON ME?? Like, I like anybody regardless on how they look SO WHY CAN'T ANYONE CRUSH ON ME??? » Continue Reading
Category: Life
In PE, i got hit in the *area* with a baseball TWICE in front of crush no.1. And he also witnessed me angrily throwing balls at the person who hit me. OH yea, he also saw a random guy fart on my bag. And one of my new friends just told me that crush no.2 cyber bullied them and laughed when they got punched. I have terrible boy-luck. » Continue Reading
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Category: Life
So I'm *supposed* to be studying right now. But I just can't. It's so boring and i have no idea how to be productive. My productive moods come and go and i really want to get into my 'homework fever' before next week because that's when two of my major projects are due. And guess what. I haven't even started. Wish me luck. » Continue Reading