R4ctist ppl on here :((((
Category: Blogging
I just got back on SpaceHey today and why the hell are there so m4ny r4c!st ppl on here????? This is NOT 4chan LøL. » Continue Reading
"dm me im so bored "
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SpaceHey Blog URL:
Category: Blogging
I just got back on SpaceHey today and why the hell are there so m4ny r4c!st ppl on here????? This is NOT 4chan LøL. » Continue Reading
— 2 Kudos
Category: News and Politics
So not even five seconds ago I came across this person literally posting a white supermacists dog whistle. I just reported it but still like wtf. This place needs to do a better job at monitoring people, you have ppl from all ends of political and racial ideology on here. They need to do a better job at separating the bigots from the rest of us. Here's a link explaining what they posted » Continue Reading
Category: Music
i'm gonna be honest, whenever i go on comment sections of like Korn music videos literally every 5s i see someone comment " kIds nOw a dAyz wilL nEvEr uNderStanD.." like dude pls stfu. it's just so annoying because i think the oldheads should be appreciative that there are kids who even know the names of these bands especially considering the genre and aesthetic isn't mainstream anymore. Then when... » Continue Reading
Category: Life
Ugh, im so ready to go home, im literally in jacksonville all summer. » Continue Reading