I'm g0nna be using this bl0g entry kinda liek an 0nline diary that i'll just update every n0w and then s0 plz keep up with it!!1!11!!! Every time I update I'll put it in the title s0 u can see it when u view my pr0file, anywayzzz just wanted t0 say that i'm s0000 ready t0 get my snakebitezzz XDDDDD EEEEEEEEE I'm super pumped :] Kk anywayz i'll talk 2 y'all later baiiiiiii!!!!111!1!!1 July 22, 202... » Continue Reading
irdk what to tell ya'll,,I've recently run into a place in my life where I dont have the money to go out and do fun shit, and I have to focus on my future. (Cringe) So I was thinking about what would be a nice way to connect with similar people and be unique without having to take a loan out...Spacehey. Updates: I'm married now!! Like,,,legally married!! To my sweet Dan-Dan, my beautiful wife » Continue Reading
So you girl waz grounded for 2 monthz bc my algebra grade waz literal TR4SH :[[ BUT I'm baaaaack!!!!!! And I'm so happy 2 see yall didn't 4get me lolol so nice 2 be back! :] » Continue Reading
D0es any0ne wh0 f0ll0ws me have snakebitez?? I'm getting them f0r my 16th in a c0uple weeks and I'M SCARED BR0 like h0w bad d0es it hurt??? I d0n't really have a l0w pain t0lerance but it's n0t super high either y'kn0w? plzzzz help!!!11!!111!!1 » Continue Reading
I really want sum new friendzz (preferably from 14-17) especially sum nice scene friendzzz!!! I'm kind of a B1tch sumtimezz but I'm never really disrespectful or mean lolol » Continue Reading