I would like to let Dallas and Mossly know this was all a joke. I do not know these people but I thought it would be kinda funny to go back and forth with random strangers on the internet with jokes (or maybe we DO know eachother, you will never know). I sincerely apologize and would like to hope Dallas and Mossly would accept this apology, and maybe we can be buddies or something idk. I really do... » Continue Reading
It has been drawn to my attention that I had targeted Dallas in a small fit of jealousy, and I feel the slight need to apologize after realizing that their friend is named Mossly. I will let that sink in. MOSSLY. What are they, thick grass that can grow where grass isn’t supposed to? They seem to be the type of person to say, “Oh I am soooo quirky, my favorite color is clear!” Like no, please cont... » Continue Reading
I looked at this persons page and was DISGUSTED with the lack of blogs making fun of people. This is outrageous. They have the audacity to have a COOL name, too! I cannot help but be angry this person. I can only imagine this person has committed multiple accounts of tax evasion or tax fraud. This name gives me the vibe of a human who likes to commit violent acts against puppies and kittens. They ... » Continue Reading
my previous blog was definitely not funny, and was completely a joke. i did not mean to mess with Mossly in that way. i just enjoy starting beef on the internet with random people and i am scheduled to get this addiction some help very soon. *dabs water under eyes* im sorry » Continue Reading
mossly is scary, do NOT follow him home! he is a super not pog dude with BODIES IN HIS BASEMENT!!! Ugly bodies, too! like...if youre gonna kill people, at least make it cool people so you can party up in that b****. ugh -1/10. never following him home again. » Continue Reading