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"Chillin listening to music before work chaos starts "

Old school jnco kid and yes I still rock the jeans

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Mood: At peace

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Alone in my darkness

Category: Life

Here I sit darkness begins cold creaps in not sure where I begin and where it ends feels like home here the voices keep me company but offer no warmth or love constantly looking to the light above but it's comfortable in the dark black that is my loneliness so I will stay here a while longer alone in my darkness  » Continue Reading

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The old me

Category: Life

I worked so hard to kill the old me and was just wondering why is it that mother fuckers want try and unlock my old demons why can't they just let the demons slumber I'm sorry it's one of those days that make you just say fuck it all and brings back thoughts of the old me  » Continue Reading

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Morning jam before work

Category: Music

Sitting in the dark 5 in the morning listening to music to motivate me for the day I like to call it finding the calm before the chaos am I weird or does it make sense to anyone else does the music touch your soul can you feel the guitar as it cries so beautifully or the drum like a heartbeat you know truly feel a connection to the music or do you just listen to pass the time before society calls ... » Continue Reading

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Find the beauty in things not the decay

Category: Life

What do we find beautiful a sunset a sunrise the shimmer in the eyes of someone who loves you just thoughts that rattle loosely in my mind from day to day for me I find beauty in music in the smile of a woman kids playing free from the knowledge of the evil in this world not a care in the world. Now the sad part is lately I feel like I'm waking up in a world I don't belong in like everything I fin... » Continue Reading

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