gulf men's traditional clothes
Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping
small archive of men's traditional clothing of my culture ♡ will update whenever I can a policeman with a citizen (riyadh, saudi arabia) » Continue Reading
"My Lord has always been kind to me (19:47)"
from the arabian gulf, passionate about my own culture
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Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping
small archive of men's traditional clothing of my culture ♡ will update whenever I can a policeman with a citizen (riyadh, saudi arabia) » Continue Reading
Category: News and Politics may God have mercy on his soul and grant him the highest rank of heaven, he was truly ahead of his time » Continue Reading
Category: Religion and Philosophy
in the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful it hurts my heart how the term jihad has become so demeaned, so distorted from it's true, beautiful meaning. jihad is far from detonating some kind of "holy war" in the same sense of a crusade. its far, far from that. greater jihad essentially is the struggle in which one tries to purify his or her heart, do good, and avoid evil. » Continue Reading
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural
mentally i’m a saudi princess who’s very good at sword fighting, or a saudi mountain girl.. (i’m not saudi) » Continue Reading
Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping
je pense que la mode est très importante pour les filles. en tant que fille, j'adore me maquiller, c'est tellement amusant ! j'aime me sentir comme une poupée et porter de jolies robes roses . j'aurais aimé que tout ce que j'avais soit rose, c'est une couleur parfaite ! quant aux garçons, je pense que les garçons saoudiens sont les plus stylés... j'ai » Continue Reading