So basically I launched this channel called Kalos Likes Computers about a year ago. I was very busy so I couldn't really make videos on it until I finally sat my ass down and wrote a script for something I've wanted to document for a long time, and I made the gottdang video. Well, it surprisingly did very well! So well, in fact, that as of writing this, it has gained 83K views in 2 weeks. Insane! ... » Continue Reading
Whew it has been a while! Not that anyone's checking. Welcome to TuneLog[1], the series where Kalos lern 2 kod ap from skratzs nd nemsz it TunesTimer™ A lot of things have transpired since my last post. Namely, the project is now real ! It is on GitHub ! I'm facing a lot of challenges trying to create this app. Firstly, I stu » Continue Reading
Welcome to TuneLog[0], the series where I document blah blah blah credit goes to Ben Awad for that intro. So I'm creating this app called TunesTimer™ for an honors course for my college, and it's a timer that instead of using time uses music tracks. Well, it's a bit more complex than that, but that's the basic idea. I've decided to use Android Studio and code the thing in Kotlin or Java for the si... » Continue Reading
It snowed heavily in Athens yesterday Monday January 24th 2022, which disrupted the entire city considerably, because I guess Athens is not made to handle 50cm of snow. I had an adventure featuring several near-death experiences in a snowstorm with some friends, so that was fun! The way I got home was pretty insane, as all the roads were closed and we were very far off from trains... but that's a... » Continue Reading
Okay so I'm totally gonna try to use this place as a cringey personal blog kind of thing where I post about whatever just like the good ol' days of the internet I'm excited to learn HTML/CSS so I can make my profile on SpaceHey just absolutely rancid you know? Just a complete eyesore and I genuinely cannot wait for this. » Continue Reading