i just want to live. i'm in my twenties. i want to be free. be beautiful and adventurous. not worrying about debt or mortages. but reality says no. you have to pay to be alive and work for your breath. i say that's bullshit. i guess this is freeform poetry but whatever. frustration is a bitch. i need my » Continue Reading
like there's always something to be done? even though you know you've done everything you needed to for the day? the worst part is that then there's no energy to do the things you want to. maybe it's a personal problem but still. » Continue Reading
It's kind of funny how a website coming back to life is something that has given me the most serotonin I've experienced in a while. Especially since the pandemic has ruined my fun on so much fuck 2020 in particular . It's the little things, I suppose. » Continue Reading