Senxin Aleste - Original 1cc (No TLB)
Category: Games
FINALLY ANOTHER CLEAR (1cc or One-Credit Clear is when you beat an arcade game on one credit, I.E. i put a quarter in the machine and finished the game) » Continue Reading
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Sing like you think no one's listening
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Category: Games
FINALLY ANOTHER CLEAR (1cc or One-Credit Clear is when you beat an arcade game on one credit, I.E. i put a quarter in the machine and finished the game) » Continue Reading
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Category: Games
Touhou: Blue Devil In The Belvedere Normal 1cc I enjoy Touhou quite a bit even if i ne » Continue Reading
Category: Games
Same shit but on hardest difficulty. This posed a lot more of a challenge. I had no clue that Ultra difficulty triggers the TLB (true last boss) at the end of the run (i had it in my mind that there were other conditions needed to trigger it) so i sat back in my chair prematurely relieved » Continue Reading
Category: Games
YES! I finally did it. This one was more difficult than i initially thought it would be. CosmoDreamer is a Japanese indie shmup available on Steam, it progresses a bit differently than other bullet hells in that there is actually a stage-by-stage progression that you must beat before unlocking the traditional arcade mode which is what i cleared here. 8 Stages instead of the usual 5 that we are use... » Continue Reading
Category: Games
eXceed 3rd Jade Penetrate 1cc (one-credit clear) eXceed 3rd is a doujin » Continue Reading