Thought I'd take the time to divulge a little more about my past life for canonmates, if for whatever reason they're here. I'm Shadow, Shadow the Hedgehog. Generally, I was perceived as aloof, but I was polite and well mannered. (in that I treated strangers with respect and used 'mam', 'sir' etc.). Some would say I had a short temper, when really I had little tolerance for stupidity and disrespect... » Continue Reading
Things I miss being able to do. Have a clean shower/bath, with really nice soap and quill brushes. Having my towel folded nice and ready to use as soon as I step out. Having a routine was nice. Trimming claws. Moisturising my paw pads. » Continue Reading
We're planning on doing some vocal training to lower our voice and to sound more like KOJI YUSA*. Fortunately the ENG Voice Actor for Shadow in sonic PRIME sounds much more closer to Mr Yusa than all the other actors, so we can base our mimicking on him for now! (*we'll start listening to him once we understand and can hear dialects in Japanese.) » Continue Reading