There is supposed to be five, minimum, employees where I work. We work 24/7, as it's caregiving. Right now, there are two of us. Two. Two people working 24/7 to care for 10 people. Some of which are very dependent. We do all the cleaning, cooking, caring, everything. I put my two weeks in, but they still have me working every night until i leave. Every. night. During finals week and everything. B... » Continue Reading
Its weird to end a relationship permanently, especially when it's with people you've just spent countless hours with. I'm not too sure how to feel about it yet, I'm sure it'll hit me at some random point in the near future. Hopefully. I'm not too sure if it will though. » Continue Reading
Thomas Demands photography Pink and brown together My bed at 2 a.m Cuddling with my cat or my girlfriend long walks at night Drinking Coffee every day Riding the Bus at night The smell of green 2000's scene music KOTOR 2 Not in any order, I think they're all pretty even in favouritism » Continue Reading
I'm going to try and be more active on here since I deleted Instagram. I always forget how awful insta makes me feel until its gone and all the sudden I'm better mentally » Continue Reading