Hello! ヾ(^-^)ノ I saw a bunch of people make an introduction and I thought it looked nice so I'm deciding to make one too! (人◕ω◕) My name's Cheshire (not my real name, I wish lol). I am currently 16 years old and a senior in high school (yes I skipped a few grades) ( ´~`ヾ) I use any pronouns, I don't really care which ones you use. I'm pansexual and demisexual. I sometimes think I may be demiromant... » Continue Reading
Working in retail, specifically thrift stores with a toys section, makes you realize parents suck. They have to designate people to constantly check and clean up the toys section because parents keep dumping their kids in the section and leaving them unsupervised treating both the store and the employees like a daycare. None of the workers are gonna look after your crotch goblin. Whatever happens... » Continue Reading