i think i have a cold. my head’s all stuffed up with a swarm of bees. i’ve been reading that book about how emo music blew up from the scene in the late 90s. i wish i were in the right place at the right time and the right age to get to witness that. it’s weird feeling so nostalgic for something you never experienced but have had a deep love for and obsession with since your formative years. i fee... » Continue Reading
i'm 22 today. to borrow more words from ms. swift, how can someone know everything at 18 but nothing at 22? except it feels like i knew nothing at 18, and now at 22 i know even less. it's a hedge maze with no way out, the vines crawling up and out and around, choking me into standing in place. no exit! no exit! you're here forever. where do i go from here? what do you do when all the work was for ... » Continue Reading
i'm back. it's over. both of these things swim around in my mind like a goldfish in a dirty puddle. what am i supposed to do after this? it all seems so clear: graduate, get a job, make some money, do some good in the world. but it's all so opaque. it's all so opaque. it's all so opaque. won't somebody help me? » Continue Reading
and it crashes and crashes and crashes. i'm stuck in the woods, no map, no path home, definitely not one of those fancy $500 satellite walky-talkies. who can i talk to about it? everyone's hiring, but no one's hiring me. god i need a job, or at least to get out of college unscathed. my insides are copper, i'd kill to make them gold. or so it goes. » Continue Reading