THE MYSPACE ABOUT ME SURVEY TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF name:: roxy !! nickname:: n/a but u can also call me rochha :3 how old are you:: 18 zodiac sign:: gemini current location:: USA eye color:: brown hair color:: burgundy hair type:: straight n short(ish) height:: 5'8 / 172 cm shoes you wore today:: purple nike air max your weakness:: piercing noises your fear:: needles hav » Continue Reading
im so excited to go back to my dorm omfg. i miss being able to go out to the park and smoke whenevr i want LOL. i also just miss all my stuff and my decorations and pokemon cards and like freedom in general im soooo excited... and my classes next sem arent too hard!! im even taking an intro sculpture class which im supes hype for bc i love art and ive always wanted to try sculpting » Continue Reading
today my paldea adventure chest came in the mail and i got 7 promo cards + 6 booster packs, and some other little goodies like a squishy pikachu!! it was so exciting even tho i didnt rly get any cards i loved in the packs, but i did pull one worth $37 at PSA 10 so thats cool. the promo cards were rly cute though, i got a full art pikachu which im obsessed with and a sprigatito ex :3 sprigatito is ... » Continue Reading
Name A Song Survey #1 Created by GlamCat 1. Name a song that makes you want to drive fast: My Hero - Foo Fighters 2. Name a song you like from the 80's: Smooth Operator - » Continue Reading