New year, promises and other things
Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes
The year is still 16 hours from ending (for me), but I still feel like writing something to finish it off. » Continue Reading
"merry christmas."
he. ENGLISH/PORTUGUESE/(somewhat spanish)
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Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes
The year is still 16 hours from ending (for me), but I still feel like writing something to finish it off. » Continue Reading
Category: Life
I feel like christmas has been getting stale year by year. I usually would get so needlessly excited, even if I wouldn't receive any presents, it was simply fun, even by last year I was still kind of excited to do something with friends and just goof around until we were tired of gaming. I don't know if it is I who changed way too much in just the spam of a year of things are really feeling more t... » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
I am exaggerating how it really is but it caught me by surprise. It is kind of sad but funny in a way. to put it simply it is really chaotic. » Continue Reading