I've beeen soooooooooooooo obsessed with Soulja Boy's music recently, just that 2000s Snap Rap type shit like Vans by the crew , what do u all think ?? I love this type of music ^_^ main { background: crimson); background: linear-gradient(300deg, rgba(220, 20, 60,1) 10%, rgba(220, 20, 60,1) 49%, rgba(220, 20, 60,1) 100%); } body { background: url(https://e.snmc.io/i/fullres/w/f697f5f68b » Continue Reading
NOW PLAYING: Agent orNGE - SnapKracklePop! (AKA: Jayreck and Spanky's old band that got discontinued after one album LMAO) Had a big thing with Drain Gang back in 2020 (still love them, but not as obsessively as I used to), but rn I've been going crazy with crunkcore and general scene electropop type shit like EARLY Dot Dot Curve and Dropping a Popped Locket. H » Continue Reading
NOW PLAYING: CARTOON NETWORK - Black Dresses I LUV CARTOONS!! Esp ones that take advantage of their medium, or their limitations, to give emotion impossible to convey in live action media. FUR EXAMPLE!! back before Happy Tree Friends landed itself a cable TV slot they had been animating at 8 FPS (for season 1) and 12 FPS (for season 2). This choppy fps is OBVI a big limiting factor but the team at... » Continue Reading
NOW PLAYING: BrokeNCYDE - Party Don't Stop Who else luvs crunkcore... I've been banging DDC, Brokencyde, Block Party Massacre etc. for some time now!! but I recently found an archive of some of Dropping a Popped Locket's old shit :D !!! Who else loves Crunkcore and who's ur fav artist !?!? ^_^ !! » Continue Reading
NOW PLAYING: Fizzy Dino Pop - Chiyo Chiyo fellow Fizzy Dino Pop fanz ( -_-) ... UNITE!!! ^_^ I've been digging years worth of deleted socials and broken links to find any odds and ends in the FDP catalogue.. but all I could find wuz some facebook posts in 2018 about releasing new music on soundcloud but the soundcloud pages advertised on the Fizzy Dino Pop facebook were taken down, and the last on... » Continue Reading
NOW PLAYING: It's All Legal Now - 120% Says You're Going To Explode (120% was closely associated with Glompo back on MySpace so its the only band I thought to play here) I was doing my usual dived into MySpace musicians and I found an old Cybergrind band, called "Glompo Gloomy Doom," that's closely affiliated with Hello Kitty Suicide Club [which is a shitty band btw ( '-_-).. but I still rlly like... » Continue Reading