Category: Art and Photography
drawing Today I drew something (for the first time) not on paper XD I followed a tutorial from Pinterest. I can't really draw, but please rate it! :3 » Continue Reading
13, I live in Ukraine.
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Category: Art and Photography
drawing Today I drew something (for the first time) not on paper XD I followed a tutorial from Pinterest. I can't really draw, but please rate it! :3 » Continue Reading
Category: Life
"AAA, what the heck is this? Why do I have to go through this? How I hate my grandmother, but at the same time, I love her. She’s driving me crazy :( with her perfectionist syndrome (that’s when someone prioritizes studying over health, specifically mental well-being). I used to live with my grandparents, and everything was fine until she started pushing me more with schoolwork... Even though now ... » Continue Reading
Category: Life
Why is life so unfair? Why do I have to look after my little sister just because my mom decided so? T_T Okay, here’s some backstory ^_^... I lived with my mom and dad until I was 6, but they divorced. Well, that’s not the point. So, I lived with my grandparents on my mom’s side, and my now-middle sister lived with our grandparents on my dad’s side. Then, my sister called my mom, who lives far away... » Continue Reading
Category: Life
I can tell you a lot of stories here, hope you'll find them interesting, hehe. » Continue Reading