S T A R T . ------------ " hello, i am milenko ! you can also call me by my other names such as ' yohan ' or ' leo ' . i am new to spacehey and would like to make some new friends ! it'd be nice to have someone to talk to over the summer. if you'd like to fully reach out to me my discord is choke#1423 . thank you for taking the time to read this, bye ! " ------------ E N D . » Continue Reading
START . ----------- " its been a while , how are you doing everyone ? for me , i havent been doing quite well . my mental health has been going down hill for the past few days . i dont know why , maybe because school and the stress of having my mom not looking down on me is the reason why its so low . but i hope all your guys days / nights are going well , love yu all . this is leo signing off » Continue Reading
S T A R T . ----------- " im genuinely surprised someone saw my two blogs, im quiet glad as well. im glad i was also able to make new friends as well. if you want to talk some more you can add my discord ! [ choke#1423 ] thank you for taking the time to friend me . " ----------- E N D . » Continue Reading
START . ----- " goodmorning ! i hope you had a good sleep if it is currently morning in your timezone . if it is currently night for you, then have a goodnights sleep. have a good rest of your day / night / afternoon / evening ! goodbye . " ----- END . » Continue Reading