Pokemon Unite
Category: Games
if anyone wants to be friends in Pokemon Unite, lezgoo » Continue Reading
an idiotic megalomaniac turning 100 years old
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Category: Games
if anyone wants to be friends in Pokemon Unite, lezgoo » Continue Reading
Category: SpaceHey
Exchanged emails with some friends because of the fb 6-hour shutdown.. now back here to read blogs » Continue Reading
Category: SpaceHey
I'm back after 8 months. The community has gone so big I see. » Continue Reading
Category: SpaceHey
I have no idea what I'm doing rn except that I'm watching the minutes tick away as I stare at my phone. Do you know that feeling? Kinda common for people today. U don't know what to do with your time, obviously the time where you should've done something but ended up doing anything you can think of. Little spontaneous moments, the sand dropping without pausing. Anyways, I just wanna share my exper... » Continue Reading
Category: Books and Stories
Okay, I'm pretty much new to this so I'll first share about my frustrations on why the bo okseries "Michael Vey" hasn't been given the greatest attention. The plot is a killer! These young kids within the range of 15-17 years old have these epic face-offs with power-hungry villains and a board of jesters and they face them using their wit and electro powers that's really kinda op when you think ab... » Continue Reading