Hihiiii!! So, today started with me oversleeping and having to get dressed at the speed of lightning just so that I could arrive at work early. In which, was a success! I arrived to my workplace 4 minutes early! ٩꒰ʘʚʘ๑꒱۶ » Continue Reading
Hihiiiii! I just came back home. So, my appointment ended a LOT quicker than I expected, actually. It was a new psychologist and he just restarted my medications, so, hey! At least I'm getting my meds again, so that's a positive!! (^▽^) I then went to my local pharmacy to give my prescription, I also went to Walmart so I could do » Continue Reading
Goooood morning!!1! I woke up not too long ago, actually. But, today I've got my first psychologist appointment after months of not making an appointment, lowkey scaredddd. (๏ᆺ๏υ) Oh well, what can you do about it? Pull through 'til the end, that's what you can do!1! So, to kill my nerves I'm gonna keep getting ready, eat a bowl of cereal, and fix up my hair, hehe. Let's hope it all goe » Continue Reading
ARGHHHH!!! /pos After half an hour of pain and torture, I was finally able to learn how to put blinkies!! ╭( ๐_๐)╮ God, I'm rustier than I thought, yikesss. But, I don't mind, it's fun to relearn old things, in my opinion. Anywaysssss, gonna go play "Solatorobo" on my modded 2DS XL because I'm currently addicted, lol! until next time!!! (ु*´З`)ू » Continue Reading
Wow! I'm impressed by how customizable our pages are. I'm incredibly rusty with html but I guess I'm gonna have to relearn everything just so my page turns out to be as cute as the ones I've already seen around! ^^ I'm really pumped up to see what I can do here, wish me luck! » Continue Reading
Hi!! So, this is my first entry, yippee!! I have no idea what I'm doing! My profile hasn't even been finished yet, but here we are, lol! So, ahem, hi! I go by Lavender here and I'm 19yo, this blog will just me talking about random stuff that's on my head when I don't wanna bother nobody in my life about it OR I feel like it's stupid enough to tell anyone I know irl, haha. I... don't know what els... » Continue Reading